Randi Klein

A native to the San Francisco Bay Area, Randi grew up in a family of five siblings. Married for 42 years, with three children and three grandchildren, Randi works professionally as a graphic artist, fine artist, photographer, writer and teacher.

Growing up in the Christian church Randi has served in various ministry capacities, including: Art Director at Jews for Jesus in San Francisco, California; Art Director for the Christian publication Radix Magazine in Berkeley, California; Executive Board Member of True North Christian Fellowship, and participated in the first ever Transgender Religious Leaders Summit at the Pacific School of Religion (PSR) in Berkeley, California in 2007. In April of 2009, Randi attended the 2009 Transgender Religious Leaders Summit, in Washington DC where, joining with other religious leaders, lobbied for successful passage of the Hate Crimes Bill (Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009). From 2010 through 2014 Randi was pleased to co-host, along with the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLGS) the Transgender Religious Leaders Summit, bringing it back to the PSR Berkeley Campus. Randi has spoken and taught at various conferences, including Creating Change, Southern Comfort in Atlanta and Florida, Atlanta Comfort, Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference, and Keystone Trans Conference.

“There is a line in a song that we sing in church that really resonates with me. ‘No guilt in life. No fear in Death. This is the power of Christ in me.’ Letting go of my guilt and trusting in grace has given me immense joy and peace. The love and acceptance displayed in the teachings of Jesus continues to amaze me.”

Volunteer positions include BSA Scoutmaster, sports coach (football, baseball and soccer for over 30 years), publishing materials on with child safety issues, working with the Drowning Prevention Foundation, police associations and fire associations. Randi is a commissioned Stephen Minister and publishes articles about transgender issues for online publications.

“My personal journey has taken me from questioning my gender, to discovering my personhood. A more honest exploration of my gender issues is helping me to discover a more holistic approach to personhood. It is my hope that those who come to Light in the Closet, may find support in their lives and are able to honestly face who they are as God made them, both the male and the female.”

“There is a line in a song that we sing in church that really resonates with me. ‘No guilt in life. No fear in Death. This is the power of Christ in me.’ Letting go of my guilt and trusting in grace has given me immense joy and peace. The love and acceptance displayed in the teachings of Jesus continues to amaze me.”

Contact Randi Klein at: 

Or by mail:
Light in the Closet, 2800 Pleasant Hill Rd, Suite 180, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523, U.S.A.