Biblical Questions and Answers
This section contains articles that ask and answer questions about transgender issues from a Christian perspective. Listed below are articles with corresponding questions that inspired the articles or are related to the subjects discussed.
Article 1: Nurture, Nature, Choice
The Biblical Perspective of Jesus in Matthew 19.
Addresses the following three questions:
Q: “There has been a long standing debate over nurture, nature and choice. Does Jesus have anything to say about it?”
Q: “Does Jesus address the issue of gender identity?”
Q: “How does Jesus feel about those who bend gender roles?”
Article 2: “Am I Loving Others or Compromising My Faith?”
Live a life pleasing to God within the LGBT Community
Addresses the following three questions:
Q: “Am I compromising my faith if I explore gender identity issues? Aren’t I repeating the same mistakes the Israelites made in the old testament, or the churches in Revelations?”
Q: “If God has a problem with LGBT people then how can we fellowship with them? Isn’t being transgender a sin? I listen to my brothers and sisters in Christ telling me that any LGBT person cannot be a Christian as long as they live as they do. If a long-time Christian comes out as LGBT (as I have) then perhaps they were never saved in the first place.”
Q: “Am I denying God’s will, by not renouncing my trans nature? How can I convince someone that I’m not compromising my faith?”
Article 3: “Do Your Clothes Fit?”
Addresses the following three questions:
Q: “What is your motive for dressing up in clothing of the ‘opposite’ gender?”
Q: “Can clothing really affect the way you feel about yourself?”
Q: “Why do I loathe my body?”
Article 4: “Is Cross Dressing A Sin?”
(A Perspective on Grace)
Addresses the following question:
Q: “I feel awful about my cross dressing. Am I in hopeless sin when I crossdress?”
Article 5: “Is Wearing Panties a Sin?”
Addresses the following question:
Q: “Although no scripture verse speaks to this directly, is wearing female undergarments underneath your male clothing a sin?”
Article 6: “Legalism & Indulgence”
When Is Enough, Enough?
Addresses the following question:
Q: “Aren’t the laws of God there for us to vigorously uphold? Isn’t it safer to err on the side of legalism?”

Article 7: “Transgender and Living Without Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS)”
A Grace-filled Perspective of a Male to Female Transgender
Includes: “Eight things you can do to fight the religious imposter and undo the damage caused by polarized gender.”
Addresses the following two questions:
Q: “Can I create an emotional balance through crossdressing”
Q: “Do we really have to choose one gender over the other?”
Article 8: Weighing Our Options
Thoughts about making purposeful choices.
Addresses the following question:
Q: “What Sort of Choices Do We Really Have?”
Article 9: Weighing Personal Questions From a Pastor to a Transgender Christian
Addresses the following three questions:
Q: How does cross dressing promote His (God’s) image and your acceptance of who he has made you (in relation to your gender)?
Q: “Could you say that crossdressing is an informal way to express your confusion in reference to who you are and the very God design for your life?”
Q: “Could it be that your expressed trans nature is a sin nature that needs to be re-coursed and restored in reference to God’s primary intention for your life? God made Male and Female (different needs, expressions, body parts, etc.) – He never made man out of the context of these two genders.”