Are you wanting to know what the Bible says about gender expression? Are you confused about Biblical teaching in our western culture regarding someone close to you, or in regards to yourself? People who question their gender identity often struggle with confusion or guilt. Gender identity is a highly personal issue and because it is, most people deal with this issue alone and in secret. Light in the Closet desires to help those who are seeking. This ministry is dedicated to forming and maintaining trust. The contact’s identity, information and issues will remain confidential. We have various ways you can contact Light in the Closet.

Information and Counseling

1) No Contact (information only)

Anyone is very welcome to peruse this website in anonymity. No effort will be made to identify or contact you. The general information and resources posted on the web site are for anyone to use.

2) Personal Contact (one-on-one lay caregiving)

An individual making contact may do so through email. Those wishing to receive caregiving may contact Randi Klein or Kathy Klein on our contact page.

3) Telephone Contact

If you desire to make contact through one-on-one phone counseling, please email Randi Klein with your phone number, location (city or state) and best time to call including time and day.

“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:31

Ministry Resources and Information:

When it comes to gender-incongruency, trained therapists and medical professionals will always be on the frontlines of care. Many of these issues are outside the experience of most clergy and the general church population. There is a profound need for pastors, clergy and lay caregivers to be informed and involved in the socially complex issue of gender identity. Therefore, Light in the Closet has prepared information and materials to help inform those who want to understand these complex issues.

A pdf with Questions and Answers from pastors about gender identity and being transgender: LITC Questions and Answers

A pdf containing transgender counseling guidelines and information for counselors and clergy: Transgender Health and Spiritual Well-Being

An informational 2-page pdf about the ministry LITC: Christian Faith and Gender Identity

All of these materials may be mailed or emailed as well. For additional information contact Randi Klein using links on our contact page.